Thread: LJ 11/19 nada
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Old 11-20-2015, 12:02 PM   #7
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I have had days where it took 4 hours to make baits. Stay with it. Some schools bite, some don't. When they don't move on. I found a school at one point after 3.5 hours, and pulled up 10 in 3 drops...and ended up having a great day. Also, I have been out with a friend that was 15 feet away from me pulling up 4-5 each drop to my nothing. He had 20 before I got one. I changed out to his sibiki size and began to kill it. Carry a size 14 and like a 8, and a few different types in those sizes. The bait feed on different bait also. I did the cat food before. No luck. Squid helps at times. Butt juice can also on the fly can help. Also as stated above, I run a 2oz glow sinker on the bottom of my sabiki. It usually gets hit before the flys. Also the 2oz will pick up bigger fish. I have hooked bonito on them by accident and lost my whole set up.
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