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Old 11-16-2015, 06:18 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 43
FF battery advice

I'm currently running my fish finder on an 8-pack of AA batteries. It usually lasts about three trips before I have to swap them out, but I'm getting sick of keeping Duracell in business. I just went on Amazon and searched 12v rechargeable battery and got a ton of results.

The interesting thing is that in the same or similar form factor, the mAH ratings for the batteries are much lower than what 8 heavy duty AA's will rate. We're talking about 4800 for the rechargeable, and close to 10K for the alkaline non-rechargeables. I need something that will guaranteed last at least one long day on the water. I don't particularly want to buy one of the larger batteries, as my Hammerhead attractant (read: bait tube) doesn't need any juice. You guys got any advice on buying a smaller rechargeable battery for the kayak?
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