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Old 11-11-2015, 08:52 AM   #5
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The abyss is a parabolic rod, similar to classic all glass rods. Choice of fast or slow rods is a personal preference. Both have the potential to cast the same distance. I find slower rods cast lighter lures a bit better. Faster rods let you put more pressure on the fish. Which can be a mixed blessing on a kayak. I have pulled as hard as I could on my ulua with out maxing it out. My first fish on the abyss was a mean 27 lb yellow. I reached the point where pulling harder just bent the rod more but didn't put more pressure on the fish. Both of those situations were on boats. I cant see that happening on a kayak.
A buddy of mine has maybe 6 different jigs sticks. Including a full 10' ulua (fast rod) an old 10' harnell (super parabolic) and a 10' fiber glass boat antenna converted in to a jig stick. Seriously. (Almost unbelievably parabolic, think bull whip). I've used em all and they all cast great. Again personal preferance.
Maybe you can tell, long rod surface iron fishing is my favorite style. Mike
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