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Old 11-05-2015, 10:04 AM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 407
Can't believe nobody has said this yet but...
The rod will help throw the lure, feel the bites, set the hook and turn the fishes head it's far more important to get that right as most reels will work for a variety of things. Match the rod to the type of fishing you're going to do. If you plan on fishing calicos with a certain weight range of lures, get a rod for that. If it's yellows throwing irons, that's a totally different rod as well. This will also dictate what type of line you want to spool up with as well. If it's mostly spotties get a medium light rig and spool up light braid with some flouro or mono leader. The most important thing is that you have a goal in mind. Never buy a rod to match a reel, buy a rod to match your preffered fishing method then buy a reel to fit that as you may want different gear ratios capacities etc... The curado is fairly flexible and should work on most casting rods just fine.
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