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Old 10-22-2015, 04:16 PM   #2
YakDout's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Sounds like you are fishing the right areas. If anything maybe a little more west. But fish move around and can be in different places every day. If you are trolling in freespool or very light drag (which you should be) believe me you will know when you get bit by something good. Reel wil start screaming and dumping line. If the bait is getting skittish and I think its a fish, I will sometimes put the bait in freespool and give it some more line. Thats more when im drifting vs trolling though. As the water continues to cool now the fish will start hugging the bottom more and more. Flylining is typically most effective in the warmer months. A switch to yoyo jigs and 3 way swivel with 6-8oz weight is what I go to. If youre out of bait and dont want to make more, try to mark fish off rocks and drop yoyos or megbaits down. Flatfall jigs have worked really well for me on the deepwater yellowtail. Just keep putting time on the water and you'll get yours. Dont give up.

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