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Old 10-22-2015, 03:56 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 345
Basic yt questions

After going out today I found a few questions....
How often if at all do you switch out baits? As long as they're alive still good? Will Yt or any other jack/tuna take a dead trolled bait?

Also, if you feel the bait get very skittish, like it knows there's something around what do you do? Stop, keep going, slow down, circle back etc?

When you get hit on bait (or even artificials) it should be a very clear hit right? Not just a tap or short quick pull but the rod really loading up? I've never fished a live bait as big as a mac so I'm having trouble figuring out what is bait and what would a good bite look like.

Once you're out of bait, just troll an artificial? Kroc, megabait, rapala, bighammer etc? Also, I've been trolling somewhat near kelp and or lobster buoys. Should I be heading out to open water more?

Thanks for any help guys and I'm always willing to help people get in to freediving if they ever want to see what it looks like down under. Not a pro, just a hobby.
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