Thread: LJ 10/22
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Old 10-22-2015, 03:48 PM   #1
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LJ 10/22

Got there at dark, launched as it was starting to get light after chatting with Geno a bit. Not too bad as far as surf launches go. Figured out where the kelp was more or less and started trying to make bait. Ended up with 4 Spanish after a while. Next time I need to stick on Geno's heels and figure out how he's getting so many. Also pulled up a 16" kelp bass which I kept.

Didn't really know what to do next so just nose hooked a mac and started trolling it on the outside of the kelp to about due west of the point and then just around there. No big take downs but did lose bait to the dogs. Saw them coming too... Tried making more bait but nothing happening so just practiced casting a little (first time) and headed back. Botched the reentry by falling out in 2ft of water but it's all good.

I went out, came back, didn't lose anything and got a fish. Good enough. Will try again early next week if wx allow.
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