Thread: Making Bait
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Old 10-05-2015, 07:42 AM   #3
Hunters Pa
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Originally Posted by Mr. NiceGuy View Post
I have heard conflicting answers about this.

1. Does it matter what kind of sabiki we buy?

Color, size, glowing beads, etc. Yesterday a guy at Dana Landing said yes, and told me to try the sabiki that look like squids as a better choice recently.

What's your favorite hook size?

I like the Ahi/Promar and with hooks that are small enoughe to go inside the sabiki stick

2. Chum or no chum?

Chum if I need to but I usually have no need. I will troll my sabiki as I am heading to wherever I am targetting that day. Can usually find them pretty easily, or a radio helps too

I saved my dead sardines from the bait barge in SD Bay from the day before and threw them in the blender. The chum dispersed nicely when I threw scoops into the water. Not sure it makes any difference.

I've also heard of using bread or cat food. For trout, a punched can of corn or creamed corn seems to help. Is this an idea for the ocean?

What's the most effective way of keeping chum in the right place? I have a chum basket about 6-8" cubed. I also have Owner sabiki hooks with a small weighted chum basket on the end ... maybe 1"x1.5". It's not a lot of volume, and there's no top, so whatever I put in it seems to dissipate right away. Seems kind of pointless to me.

Any chum I've tried seems to dissipate quickly with the current or as my kayak drifts along with the wind.

3. Tip the sabiki hooks with strips of squid?

One day I thought this was a distinct winner. I was catching bait instantly with each drop. Other days, it didn't seem to make a difference. Lately I've been marinating my squid in butt juice.

What's the real story with these different variables?

One variable I'm sure about: when it's slow, two lines in the water is better than one. When the bait bite is fast, then more than one line is a nuisance.
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