Thread: LJ Sunday 27th
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Old 09-28-2015, 10:55 AM   #1
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Location: San Diego CA
Posts: 96
LJ Sunday 27th

LJ report Sunday 27th.

Loads of yaks on the beach by 5AM. I arose from my slumber a bit late and hauled it to the pier. Bait was pretty much non existent, spent a solid hour or to hoping to grab some greenbacks. Nothing. Birds were blowing up north of the pier so I went to check it out. Looked like a seal was ripping apart a bird. No fish. Decided to paddle to the kelp to make bait stopped on a few interesting structures and pulled up a few red rock fish. Pressed on to the kelp and no bait for another hour. Then sometime between 830-930 boils of bait everywhere. Quickly made 4 baits and started to troll. Headed for 120-180 ft lost 3 baits to seals in quick succession. This seal was stealthy I'm usually pretty good at reeling my bait back in. Trolled the last bait for about an hour and got picked up by a rat yellow maybe 8 lbs. I let him go to grow. Paddled in dropping a yoyo on anything that looked interesting. Made 3 more baits and 1 monsterous! mackerel deep in the kelp. Lost another bait to Mr. Hammer head and decided to troll my way back in. No pickups on the way in.

Summary: rough start to make bait, slow yellowtail bite, caught and released 1 rat yellowtail.
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