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Old 09-15-2015, 09:22 PM   #8
Harry Hill
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Yucaipa, CA
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Originally Posted by Cbad Mike View Post
For the last week I have been battling intense pain down my left leg.
My days have consisted of just trying to manage the pain through stretches, prescription strength ibuprofen, sitting in the jacuzzi, walking, and using an inversion table every couple of hours.
I barely made it through helping at the JAL tournament and couldn't even sit down to eat while there.
From what I read online it seemed that I had a pinched sciatic nerve.
I went to the doctor today and had x-rays taken and he ordered more tests but seems to think that I ruptured a disc and because of weakness and numbness in my foot that I might have nerve damage also. He also mentioned surgery. I am not jumping to any thoughts of surgery and of course will get other opinions when the time comes. I was given a prescription for a steroid that I took this morning that seems to be helping some already.

My question.....
Have any of you guys had the same diagnosis and if so how has it affected your fishing?

I currently can not even sit in a comfortable chair for more than 10 minutes let alone on a kayak for 10 hours.

when my sciatic nerve acts up it pretty much acts like what you describe, it got to be torture when driving or sitting. It took about 8 years for the sciatica to go away completely. Some people get right over it, others suffer with it for a long time.
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