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Old 09-14-2015, 10:46 PM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Kayak friends, below are some answers to questions raised.

Pinhead –appreciate the topics you bring up.

"How hard of a sell would it be for the Anti's to poison the public using the local media to go against Kayak Fisherman, with this type of rhetoric and playing the video we just saw?"
What rhetoric are you talking about? Did you hear anything anti-kayak fishing regarding the hammerhead sightings? I have yet to see anything? Refer to my Malibu reference. The talk is about how they are here due to El Nino, not kayak fishing. Seriously, a few hundred of us regularly drag around a bait in so cal and we are reason they are on the coast? I know anti’s can be ridiculous but the general public (required to weigh in on a new law) has not even been suggested to believe in this statement in any article I have seen. Post or PM me otherwise.

---"The Increased shark sightings in La Jolla are a direct result of irresponsible Kayak Fisherman cleaning their fish irresponsibly." – Did not see this in the article, did not see this in a previous article. Also, see next answer.

---"Kayak Fisherman are now drawing Hammerhead sharks into the LJ Kiddie Pool where legally protected seals now live." Actually, the current “theory” is we are drawing in dead catch in the back of our yaks which in turn attracts hammers to LJ shores, not the pool. This concern I know as a fact directly from the lifeguards who are the only authorized personnel who can temporarily close the launch. Agree with it or not, doesn’t matter. That is the known theory out there we have to be concerned with.

---"Additionally, Kayak Fisherman are increasing risk of shark attack to swimmers, small children and sensitive marine life in the Protected areas of LJ Shores. We need to close the LJ Launch immediately." We all know this -Anti’s do not possess some unilateral power. MLPA process involved a public vote, 10 years of “science” and public meetings which many of us attended. This is simply not some immediate power someone possesses BESIDE what I KEEP SAYING – if we, kayaker fisherman, bring in deck bled fish with a hammer attached – we are at risk. Guys, the discussion is about the hammers coming up due to El Nino – why is this getting missed?

I really appreciate the concerns you listed about the specific anit-hunting movements, I have hunted since I was 12, currently own dogs and attended many of these meetings as well. I see what you are saying here (I appreciate it), its’ close to my heart. However, I have a leg to stand on with this – the anti’s always point to certain killings (cecil the lion), nettings/longlines, whale harpooning (Japanese), population counts, by-catch, poaching and most of all - lack of support by the opposing party… laws are not passed by some collection of kayak fishing or hunting videos, that’s just total fear mongering on a website thread.

So with this in mind, Jim Sammons was filming the same shark for an upcoming episode which we look forward to watching and supporting his efforts (Watch my video if you dare! Give it some more clicks! Dear lord @monstahfish). Is Jims new episode going to be a part of the obsessive rhetoric you are fearing? Should we start a new thread keeping from this from airing CBAD Mike? It’s going to say La Jolla all over it! It can be referenced forever along with all the other videos hosted on this website Come on guys, just stop this crap - it just sounds ridiculous.

CBAD Mike – Come on man, detrimental video but you love seeing the video on BWE. We are not a secret society and if the anti’s REALLY want to use videos, do you really think this website is all the sudden “offline and inaccessible? There are sharks all the time and every year but its unique and special to have hammerheads in La Jolla. The SPECIFIC issues is having them in the surf zone, brought in by kayakers (current theory). None of this was brought up in the article.

FUL-RAC and Deamon – Please read my previous post and its SPECIFIC concern brought up by authorities as well as my original reply to this post. This should address your question.

ctfphoto – Its actually an ironic story how my average video’s got in the news in the first place. Saturday afternoon I had my laptop and go-pro along with a handful of friends over to watch the OU vs Tennessee game. I was trying to download my vidoes through a software (I am not very good with computers) program and it didn’t work. My friend Joseph from Qualcomm and Dave from Hitachi, start cranking away! I lose my attention span due to beer and BBQ then proceed to tell me they emailed my clips to the news station. Not even 30 minutes goes by with emails back from them and yes, professional photographer fees have been brought up by network stations. Obviously, I don’t feel this has ANY bearing on our launch access…

GREGANDREW – What has been twisted to anti-fishing? These encounters are not common, I have been on the water hundreds of times the last 13 years and have not seen a hammerhead. Yes, common the past few months but not the past few decades.

skrilla – Seems like you have a few concerns. What about my 2010 post do you find offensive regarding a GW sighting? Lifeguards confirmed the sighting hours later in the surf zone. By it getting reported by myself, does that make the kayaking community look bad or responsible? Are you concerned about a 1 or 2 days of precautionary closure or everyone’s safety? Barf dude… “Just what we need more big brother spying on us. “ We need to be safe and responsible as a community but congrats and thank you for being one of the few that highlight the specific concerns I brought up last week of the La Jolla launch authorities. MALIBU – apples to apples… Kayak fisherman, hammerhead, fishing by MLPA closures, media attention, (different part) bit because he hooked the hammer dude… Come on man (NFL reference). Your last comment seems like common fear mongering with this thread. Video being saved, tactics etc… Are the videos, photos, TV shows on this website immune to your theory?

YEMFF – Are you of legal age to be on this website, not sure by your immature, mob mentality comments without any depth.

HobieScot and PINHEAD – As I recall there was a meeting held at the Rancho Cucamonga Bass Pro involving bobcat/prey hunting. I appreciate what you are saying! I see the media, lifeguards and scientist (all quoted in the articles) emotion and sentiment has been directed toward the el Niño, not kayak fisherman as to why they are here. Seriously, there are 800 million youtubes of fisherman online and not much support for prey hunting – it was easy picking for enviros and not a result of online media. In California, its about numbers unfortunately, low support "lead" (pun intended) to those restrictions (needed or not), and not online media in my opinion. Once again and for the last time, if we keep bled fish on the deck while paddling them in… That is the real potential problem we face the rest of this year.

Nothing personal and certainly no offense to anyone who bought up concerns. This is my last reply to this thread –

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