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Old 09-14-2015, 09:00 PM   #2
We all Stink Sometimes!
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Posts: 165
Originally Posted by HobieScot View Post
Another member on this board personally fought the Bobcat ban, attended all the hearings, testified on behalf of the trappers, provided scientific evidence to prove that the trapping was not harmful to the states bobcat population and had biologists at the hearing to back up the evidence.

Yet bobcat trapping was still banned even against overwhelming evidence and scientific proof. They used emotion and public sentiment to make their decision to close down the bobcat trapping. This happened less than two months ago

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Exactly correct. It shows how well organized, funded, strategic and effective these Anti hunting (Project Coyote) and fishing groups can be.

I personally know a few fishing guys who voiced opposition at the MLPA public hearings a few years back. Our side defended with facts and their side defended with emotional pictures and no science, yet we still lost.... and we almost lost Pt. Loma, if my memory serves. My friend said, the MLPA Pt. Loma fight will surface again and they will come back to increase MLPA La Jolla.

When I read the naive comments on this site, it makes me cringe. I belong to a local hunting/ conservation group and much of our monthly meeting time is spent reviewing upcoming *relentless* anti legislation and tactics. Unfortunately, we have very few political supporters in CA and we lose more than we win.

As Fishermen/women, we need to remain under the radar with issues like this and self-police. And remain above the radar, to help the community for good causes to build a positive public image, ie.... policing the beaches for trash, etc... which helps defend our sport in times of attack.

This is good discussion which I hope folks will try to err on the conservative side, just in case.
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