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Old 09-10-2015, 02:11 PM   #4
donkey roper
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Originally Posted by Jim Sammons LJKF View Post
Haven't been there in a while, but if I am correct I used to live right up the street. If so that launch is in an MPA, is it much of a paddle to get out of it from there. Again I may not have the right location but pretty sure I do.
That is correct Jim. It depends on your heading.... If you go southwest you're out of the reserve in about a mile. If you go due west, it's a lot further. I took kind of an in-between heading till I got below it then worked out the line. And by worked I mean made one cast and headed in lol.

Surf was actually pretty solid. The gopro really flattens it out. But long interval south swell = good lulls between sets. The possibilities are endless when you can launch through surf. And actually being able to lift your yak helps too.
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