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Old 09-05-2015, 11:35 PM   #11
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Sharks and Chicken Little

Originally Posted by seaquinn View Post
...The message was for us to police ourselves so that they don't have to.
I'm probably not the only LJ kayak fisherman who's called 911 from my kayak so that the lifeguards could quickly come out and take care of another yakker in a sinking craft, nor am I alone in being impressed with the speed and thoroughness of their efforts. In short, I appreciate what they do and, frankly, understand the pressure on them to err on the side of caution.

Would seem wise to me that, rather than risk bringing on a launch closure through obstinacy and sounding like we care little about beach goers, that we make a distinct effort to appear sensitive to the importance of caution, and as public as we can about the kayak fishing community's effort to police itself so as to minimize risk to ourselves as well as others from sharks.

Time to get serious about this, as things could spin way out of our control. Perhaps take the ball (rather than react defensively) and spin things quickly and loudly so that we're publicly promoted as the "early-warning system" most effective at alerting others of aggressive shark behavior in the area.

While the so-called "sky" may not as yet be "falling," with the report this evening of a hammerhead biting the dangling foot of a County Line kayak fisherman," it certainly seems like there's dark clouds" on the horizon."

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