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Old 09-01-2015, 12:36 PM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 77
bonito recipe

CA tax is under 10%, but this looks like 50% - you were overtaxed

Hage, a word of advice about ceviche. Here is a great recipe a use, just put 1+ lbs fish instead of 2. But they say "firm" fillet, which would be YT. I tried with bonito, but the bonito meat is super delicate and turns out kind of soft. With YT, you get the real thing.
I think the best recipe for bonito is to salt it - cover it with rock salt (Morton Ice Cream Salt) for 12-18 hours in the fridge. Then drain the water, clean the meat from salt, wash with water and dry with paper towel. Delicious salted "sushi" that you can enjoy for a long time keeping it of course refrigerated. And it beats salted YT.
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