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Old 08-30-2015, 12:29 PM   #17
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... and the lesson is ..

There's a war among news stations, i.e., that which gets the most viewers gets the highest rating and the thus the most ad money. Any "story" can be spun in many directions, but the almighty $ invariably influences what is said/shown and how. Hiram Johnson (a diplomat in 1917) said "the first casualty of war is truth," and you, my kayak fishing amigo, fell victim.

Your good intentions were twisted for another's gain, with "hysteria" causing more hits and gaining more and more attention to various media stories. The whole thing now has a life of it's own, with you and the truth becoming totally irrelevant. You done good, with the media doing bad.

Will close noting that pesky shark was on me early Fri. morning (just after sunrise), and I was alone at the time (just bled, then stored a nice YT in the hull). Not the first time I've had a hammerhead circle and explore, but being alone, it was a bit more "interesting." Luckily, I passed him off on a seal that came to the area, but do note that he seemed pretty curious and somewhat fearless. No doubt he would've followed me much longer if his interest wasn't diverted.
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