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Old 08-30-2015, 11:00 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kink View Post
So I'm the one that took that video. I was so stoked to see it since I have heard so many others on here have. We did not make a big deal about the shark at all. It followed us all the way in. We told a few other kayakers so they could come check it out. As we got closer to shore, there were a couple swimmers a few feet away from us, so my dad just let them know there was a hammerhead right here. They kind of freaked out when the shark swam right towards them. When we landed, we decided to not talk about it much so as to keep the hysteria from happening. One of the swimmers asked me to email him the video, so I said sure. Before I knew it, the lifeguards were interviewing me and watching the video. They said they had to follow protocol because the shark looked aggressive in the video, but I could tell they didn't want to go through the hassle. I couldn't believe they were actually going to do it either. We had no intention of making a big deal out of it. We were just happy to see it and have it around.

And we both caught YT. Good day for us. Bad day for people wanting to play in the water there.
You're doing a good job
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