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Old 08-28-2015, 12:24 PM   #7
Cbad Mike
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Thanks for the thread and report.
Sorry for your buddies loss.
The reason I began kayak fishing is because my best friend was killed by cancer.
For the year preceding his death I took care of all of his personal matters including his health care decisions
I sat with him as he passed and then had to immediately get to work taking care of all of the estate's business associated with his death like listing his condo, setting up a memorial, going to banks, and all kinds of other stuff.
Everyone mourned him.... I didn't have time.
By the time everything that I promised him I'd take care of was done , a full year had passed.
I found myself feeling lost and really hating to be around people.
I wanted to get as far away from everyone as possible and thought that buying a kayak and paddling out into the ocean would give me the solitude and peace that I needed to mentally rejuvenate and mourn.
To make a long story a little shorter, it worked!!!
Experiencing for myself how being on the water can really heal was the reason that I first got involved with HEROES ON THE WATER.

My best friends name was Ted Sullivan.
He was retired FDNY
He was a lifelong fisherman
He was a veteran who was a true patriot.

I'm disappointed that he never got to experience the peace and excitement of kayak fishing and the awesome community that's involved.

He would have loved it!

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