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Old 08-22-2015, 03:27 PM   #1
Finally landed one
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: San Diego
Posts: 35
Found the perfect flag!

Great to hear the stories of so many guys catching their first...though today wasn't that day for me.

Hit the beach at 6:00 and launched to mild surf, much easier than last weekend.
Made bait near the kelp easily and got to fishing around 7:15...Saw a couple of guys hooking up with Yellows before 8:00 so I kept trolling one Greenie on the top and another with a 2 ounce weight to keep it down low and out of the way.

Got a text from my wife that she wanted to join me, with the kids, on the tandem island for a day on the cruised back in to pick them up and headed back out like Clark Griswold with the family truckster....

So the quiet fishing day alone turned into more of a family outing, but it was somewhat short lived as I lost the kids interest around noon with no love on the lines. Something snapped me off around 10:30 AM due to the rookie mistake of putting my thumb on the spool (D'oh!) while it was trying to run....but most action I've had yet so that was a bit of a bright point.

Saw a mako or other 6-8 foot long dark colored shark near the la jolla canyon on the way in...funny to see my wife rip her feet back onto the boat at the sight of dorsal fin...Hit the shore just after 12:30 with another solid goose egg in my column. But it FEELS like its getting closer to happening...

Anybody see the two guys on the motor boat hooked up and driving around chasing their catch like a bat outa hell? Was hoping to see what had them racing around...whatever it was it was big.

Anyway, hardest part of the day was actually loading the boat at the end...high tide, mountain of sand and sea weed at the launch site, a million tourists and kayakers all converging around the launch at once. Life Guard said there was a scuffle earlier between the pro yak guides and some fishermen...hopefully all is OK.
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2014 Hobie Tandem Island (to fish with the kids)
2017 Hobie Pro Angler 14 (for solo missions)
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