Thread: Carlsbad Scare
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Old 08-16-2015, 06:42 AM   #16
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 37
Nice getting launched into air. Sounds like a ride. You didn't mention anything about getting bit so that's good. If your worried about sharks then avoid the ocean. No sharks in our lakes. Me I'm a dumb ass that doesn't let anything scare him. If it does I go back for more. Adrenaline junkie. I have chased a great white and a couple hammers. They all ran away . But before I started chasing them they followed. And second off how many hours per day does this website have a person off it on the water. I'd say everyday there's a lot of people on water from here. That means since this website was created the hundreds of thousands of hours on the water by people off here and only one time did someone have a truly bad encounter with a shark? I'd say that was a fluke and the odds are better of hitting lotto twice in a row than getting attacked. Not to say you couldnt prevoke a bite if you wanted. I had a yellowtail head I was trying to get the white to come over and take. He wouldn't. Maybe next time I will get to hand feed him and try to catch him by hand. Tickle the nose and turn them over. Tonic immobilization will keep them calm. They do this all over the world to research sharks. It works and I'm going to post on here soon I hand fed and caught a big shark. That's on my bucket list. Not catching a tuna that's not scary at all stay safe and never run from a predator that will cause them to chase. It's instincts to them to chase something running and not in their instincts to fight with something that isn't afraid of them.
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