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Old 08-12-2015, 03:28 PM   #9
Fishin' Magician
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Newport Beach
Posts: 219
I have the Lowrance Elite 4 HDI and while I like it, I've been having trouble with it of late. I posted about it a couple of weeks ago about it having a screen freeze. I was finally able to resolve that one, but on Friday I was using it and it was working just fine (though like you, I don't ever see fish arches and have no idea why. But I do pick up bait balls, etc...). I turned it off when I hit the beach to eat lunch so as not to run down the battery and when I turned it back on, the depth reading just suddenly started flashing and nothing I did would make it stop. It wouldn't find the bottom on the regular sonar and said that I was in 60' of water when I was in about 5' of water. So as a fish finder, I'm not sold on it quite yet. I've called Lowrance Customer Service and talked to a guy who was very helpful, and they're sending me a new transducer. I'm hoping that will solve my flashing depth issue, but hopefully it will also actually show fish arches (when I'm over fish).
Here fishy, fishy, fishy.....
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