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Old 04-29-2008, 05:24 AM   #8
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Thanks for the reality check Don. And good looking out for the other guy. Good Karma will come to you 10 fold.

I believe the industry renamed them Personal Flotation Device to make them sound more cool but they are what they are and that is LIFE VEST. They were created for your safety.

I have two samll boys and they always wear their Life Vests when on the yak. What kind of an example would I be if I just left mine sitting in the hold? To make it more practicle I have one with pockets that I use to hold my cell phone and other fishing gear.

It's the same when we ride our bikes. I alway wear a helmet as I expect them to always wear one.
I do not have a marine radio (yet) but never go farther than I am willing to swim back. If I go outside of the harbour I always go with someone and stay close to them. No matter where or who I go with I let someone (my wife) know where I will launch from and when I will be out of the water. I call her as soon as I am out of the water to let her know all is well.
To some it may sound like I am whipped but I am being safe and courtious to my wife as she is very concerned about my safety, especially after what happen at Solan Beach this week.

These are a few of the things I do. I like to hear other ways to improve.

Be safe out there.
Don't try to confuse me with facts! I hereby reject your reality and submit my own.
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