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Old 07-21-2015, 05:18 PM   #1
lizard king
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Lakewood
Posts: 520
Dos please!!! Con todo!!!! Cabrillo 7/21

Planned to head out solo today for some therapeutic alone time. Alarm went off.....wasn't feeling it.... Went back to sleep.... Woke up again said f it I'm going. Hopped on frewweay with LA traffic already building at 6am ...hating life.... Picked up my usual iced caramel mcd coffe. On the water around 7.... Water was calm and smooth. Didn't plan on making bait as I was already late so bought a scoop of nice sized dines. Headed out to a good bites for an hour. Headed out to another spot thats been nice to me... An hour and a half of nothing....then....
Hookups!!! A dirty stinky rockfish just slapped it and let it go.... Noticed my bait was dying...down to half alive.... Figured I should move on... Decided to try one last dine dropped it In while I rigged another line up that I had lost a few minutes ago... Then this nice 32" butt decides to take the kayak ride....freaking thing almost flipped me over once it saw the kayak... Made a good run but brought it back up and sank the gaff..... Was happy and decided to head back in... Still had a few baits left alive so stopped by a good looking spot..... Dropped 2 in the water and they decide to go dancing and mess up my spectra....
fffffffuuuuuuu!!!!!! Had cut cut off about 15ft of 80lb spectra on the jx.... Dropped just one didn't wanna do that again. A few minutes go by and wwhhhhaammm I'm on!! Didn't fight very much like the first one... Bring it with color and shhhiiiiiittttt its freaking hugeee!!!! Does a small run down.... Bring it back up and it starts trying to spit the hook... Even jumps out of water about a foot... Fish Was crazzyy!! Finally calmed down a bit and kisses the gaff.....came in right at 40" Had my camcorder but forgot to charge it so only turned it on after I had both fish gaffed won't post videos uless u guys wanna see me beat the crap out of them with bat and knife.... They just wouldn't die!!! Good short day! On the water at 7 off at 12 My goal of getting a 35"+ accomplished with a fat 21lb 40" now on to the damn yellows that just won't play!!
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