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Old 06-09-2015, 07:24 AM   #8
Here fishy fishy fishy...
addicted2sp33d's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 774
There is Life...

So Rocky Point was nice enough to let me launch from their dock with my friends instead of trekking all the way back to the hand launch.

Scored some free parking too - saved a few bucks there.

I trolled a Bass Pro Shops 5" Lure in Sardine color (really just a blue-back that I added some sharpie-dots on the sides)... about 6' - 8' swim depth. Not really fishing, but if I'm going to be on the water, you can bet I'm going to have some line in the water!

The instant we paddle past the Life Guard dock into the main harbor, my rod goes bendo! My first reaction was "crap, I hooked a piling". Once I grabbed the rod I felt headshakes! What a great start to the day! I had literally been on the water maybe 2 minutes.

Reeled it in pretty easily (running 40lb braid), nothing special: 2-foot Barracuda. Unhooked him, my niece looked at him a bit, and we released him.

Unfortunately, the Seals nearby saw my action, and suddenly we were surrounded. My niece was excited about the seals, but secretly I was hoping for more cold-blooded company. After that, the bite in the harbor was non-existent.

It didn't help that the guys on the bait barge were feeding dead bait to the seals.

I continued playing tour guide, showing my friends the piers, hand launch, rich guys' yachts, and tried to lead them outside the harbor to the larger concrete pier and the beach.

My friends didn't make it across the face of the pier and decided to turn back.

I kept going south until I got past the pier. We were maybe 100 yards offshore from the pier. On my return leg, something grabbed my lure and instantly started pulling drag and headed out to sea!

I held on for about 30 seconds while it continued to take line and pull me out to sea, getting a 10-15 second sleigh ride out of it, and suddenly the line went slack.

I have no idea what it was - I got my lure back and I couldn't tell if there were any new bite marks on it. Headshakes felt like a big Bonito, very fast.

That's about as exciting as it got. My friends were pretty tired from being on the water for 3 hours, so we headed back in and grabbed lunch at Quality Seafood Inc.

Weather was beautiful, swell was small-ish.
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