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Old 04-03-2008, 09:27 AM   #17
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I think catching a shark from the yak is something everyone needs to get out of their system at least once, but it is kind of a letdown. It sounds so exciting but the reality is often pretty boring. A big YT will give you a much more exciting fight. Mouth hooked T's tend to come right to the boat and then just dog you. Tail hooked T's tow until they die, then you have to lever them up from the bottom.

Tyler said all that needs to be said about makos. They are pure evil. I love and respect those fish. Even with the utmost care it is a risky proposition. If you have a support boat you might as well just fish from it and save yourself the hassle. LJ is obviously a nursery for makos and I personally don't like to target the pups, though I will toss an iron at one if I see it.

The most exciting shark hookups I've had have come when I wasn't trying for them. Spend enough time fishing LJ for YT and you will get into a shark or two.
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