Thread: Kayak Report
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Old 03-31-2015, 05:37 PM   #1
pierreyaldo's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 31
Kayak Report

Hey all, been a lurker for a while and finally got into some hook and line action, thought id share:

Paddled out on the 15th with a good buddy John, conditions were a little foggy and choppy but we had both already showed up. Making bait was cake, instant greenbacks on every hook, 3 drops of the sabiki and we were on our way.

I toss a greenie out on the flyline while I yoyo my arms off in 130ft of water, 30 minutes go by and I start to get a bit bored. I pull out my sabiki to see if theres any bait under me, and not one second after hooking up with a greenback my flyline goes off...wha?!? 20 minutes later and first fish is on the kayak! then 2 minutes later my buddy hooks up on a slug with the yoyo and it pops off right under the yak...bummer...I put out another flyline and toss a yoyo, and second cast of the iron the fight is on!!! a bit longer of a battle and another poor fish saved from drowning!

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