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Old 03-24-2015, 04:27 PM   #1
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Gonzaga Bay/Las Encantadas report

Steve (EOD) and I did a last minute trip to Gonzaga Bay/Las Encantadas from March 13th till the 27th. The first three days we camped at Papa Fernandez in Willard Bay and fished Willard Bay and the point off Gonzaga Bay.
The remainder of the days we stayed and Makobob’s & Robmoney place at Las Encantadas. While at Las Encantadas we fished the reefs north of the house and Punta Bufeo and drove to Gonzaga Bay a couple of days to fish the Bay there.
The weather was fishable every day but the conditions changed sometimes by the hour. One day we launched at Gonzaga Bay with strong winds out of the east thinking we could get to a protected cove and fish. An hour later the wind died down and we had great conditions for a while then the wind came up, and then died down. It did this throughout the day. During the day the wind shifted from an east wind to a south wind and then an offshore wind to end the day.
On another day there were thunder storms in the mountains west of the Bay which just missed us but we had to keep a close eye on the clouds in case we need to get off the water.
We had a rain showers at Las Encantadas on another day which is very unusual according to Luis the owner of the new restaurant that just opened. On another day we were fishing an outside reef when the wind came up so fast we had to hightail it the nearest beach until the wind died.
While we stayed at Las Encantadas we ate every night at the new Restaurant, La Poma, which just opened about 300 yards from Makobob/Robmoney’s place. If you bring them your fish they will cook your fish and give you the fixings for fish tacos for about $5.00 a meal. We had Cabrillo most of the nights. They do have a menu if you want something other than fish tacos, or they will accommodate your requests. One of the nights I skipped the fish tacos and had fish and chips.
Fishing was slow at times but we did get some quality fish to make up for the slow bite. The best part of the trip was that the trigger fish were not as bothersome as that usual are and we were able to fish plastics most of the time.
Fish caught: Yellowtail, Sierra, Cabrillo, WSB, 100's of Sand Bass, Orange Mouth Corvina, Snapper, Hog Fish, Leopard Grouper, some triggers but not too many.
WSB was 50.15 pounds, 57"

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