Thread: Cameras?
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Old 03-15-2008, 09:17 AM   #10
sbsyncro's Avatar
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Location: Santa Barbara, CA
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One "nit" I forgot to mention is that the PENTAX Optio W30 has a proprietary USB connector, so it is another cable to worry about. it does NOT use the standard "mini-USB" connector that a lot of other cameras and DVRs use. Most of us probably have several of these cables lying around and use them interchangeably - unfortunately with the PENTAX, you have to keep track of this specific cable.

I also bought a 4GB SD card and an extra battery. With these, I am able to go on multi-day outings away from power sources and computers.

Oh, and I agree with the idea of having a silicone skin - definitely helps with grip-ability and keeps it from getting banged up while rolling around with all the other gear on deck. Here's a video review I posted to Amazon:

Here are also some more snapshots taken with the PENTAX that show a variety of lighting and range situations - all taken in true "snapshot" fashion (e.g. no regard for the settings, just using the full auto settings):

Last edited by sbsyncro; 03-15-2008 at 09:47 AM.
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