Thread: Cameras?
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Old 03-15-2008, 09:09 AM   #9
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I have had my Olympus 720 SW for over a year and a half now and love it. Takes great pics on land as well as shore. I took my family Christmas card pic with it las year. It takes okay video with sound above and under water. If you have young kids it is great for videoing their first time swimming at La Jolla and things like that.

I have a retractable leash for it when I am on the water. It DOES NOT float! I have dropped it from about 4-5 feet and have not had any problems with it.

This camera is about the size of a pack of cards so it easily fits into a Life Vest pocket. Other water cameras I have looked at are way to bulky to have on the yak.

I had a Sony water camera once but the battery life was about 20 minutes. The 720SW has a rechargeable battery that lasts for a couple of days.

Good luck on your choice.
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