Thread: Our Dads
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Old 02-26-2015, 12:59 PM   #6
BottomFeederPeter's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Long Beach
Posts: 18
Is someone cutting onions in here?

Hit me right in the feels man...I have a photo somewhere of my father and I the first time we went fishing back home in Ontario. He and a couple of uncles were instrumental in developing my love for the natural world and instilling the importance of stewardship and responsible harvest in both fishing and hunting. I'll never forget being out on a cattle boat together, he turns to me and says "hey can you reel this in for me? gotta tie my shoe..." Low and behold, there's a toad of a bass on the line. Seven year old me raved for weeks to anyone who would listen about the huge fish I caught and how it just magically appeared on the line. It took me until I was a man in my own right to understand what he did for me that day.

Its a primal thing, a man teaching his son to feed himself. I cant wait till I'm able to share the same with my progeny. Now I just have to stop fishing long enough to find someone willing to procreate...
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