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Old 03-11-2008, 04:01 PM   #1
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MLPA seminar at SIO 3/26

Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) In San Diego
Dr. Ed Parnell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Wed, March 26th | 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Sumner Auditorium, Scripps Institute of Oceanography

The California Marine Life Protection Act is now being implemented in California. Come hear what its about, why its important, and HOW and WHY you should get involved. There is much mis-information circulating among various stakeholder groups about limiting access and closing extensive sections of shoreline. This can only be addressed through stakeholder and grass roots public outreach efforts. Ed Parnell will talk about these topics and about his research on applying habitat and species information for designing reserves off San Diego.

Ed grew up in the San Diego area and developed his deep love of the ocean early in life, which eventually blossomed into a career as a marine ecologist. Ed is actively collaborating with many researchers and stakeholders to determine the effects of humans on coastal ecosystems and ways to minimize such disturbances. Ed is also on the advisory board of the San Diego Oceans Foundation.
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