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Old 02-18-2015, 09:36 AM   #9
momo fish
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Monday was an interesting day... Seems like everyone and their grandma came out as the launch was packed..

Saw your buddy launched and for the life of me could not understand why he did what he did.. After jumping on the first time in about waist deep water he proceeds to stare at the wave and not start paddling as the wave ahead was building up only to have it hit him and turn him sideways thus falling off.. Had he paddled right away he would have made it..

Then with half his rods missing along with other items, not proceed to go back 10 feet and collect his gear he just lost.. Instead he just turns flips the kayak and tries once more... Luckily a gentleman ran out to help him grab the kayak and gave him a hand to relaunch with a push and some advise. Only to watch your buddy jump on stick both his feet in the water as he was paddling very slooowwllyy... Why would you stick your feet in the water while trying to launch past the surf break... The kayak he had was a nice one that handles surf launches better than most. He made it past the break with the help of Jesus i believe...

I have seen some dumb stuff but that day took the cake for me. Why didn't he spend another 2 minutes to drop his kayak on the beach and gab his gear? I hate to say this but he deserved what I saw and losing his gear. LJ is a great place to learn surf launching but it didn't appear he was prepared at all especially launching for first time with your rods up and not tied on..

Originally Posted by ceviche eater View Post
went out to la Jolla for the first time I got a chance to meet Anthony (tjones) nice guy thanks for the pointers, I had a good launch but my buddy didn't he rolled twice loosing two rods double rod holder and misc. gear. I made bait and cruised the grounds looking for fish with no luck. but the fish were there I seen a couple hook ups around me.
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