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Old 02-09-2015, 06:52 AM   #32
Currently @ MLO Territory
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Originally Posted by FlyFishinYakr View Post
Being single is not always everything it's cracked up to be. There's more drama when you're dating!
Whenever I start to date a woman she knows going in that I fish first, last and always (and I pray she does too!). If she doesn't accept or get it after seeing ALL my fishing gear then she's never going to get it and I explain it to her and send her on her way!
It's the way I keep my Zen "balanced" but I do/have compromised and know how to prioritize properly (e.g. Birthdays, anniversaries, and other "special occasions").
It is nice though, not having those pesky "Honey Do" lists and knowing I have no one to answer to except myself.
There was/is some solace in knowing I can suddenly schedule an extended weekend trip to central CA or further (i.e. Oregon, Washington) for salmon/steelhead, Delta strippers or shad or any other sudden short notice week long trip to Montana, Idaho or Wyoming etc. without consulting (which is usually where things go bad).
I was actually "dumped" once for "suddenly" announcing a previously scheduled Bonefish/Tarpon tournament I was participating in the Bahama's (although I swear I remember announcing "calendaring" the dates).
Of course all of this was before my back injury.
Now once I'm better I won't need "permission" to attend a Baja or Bust" or Islander Mothership trip!
You forgot to add kids: family vacations, overtime work to pay for vacation and money on the side 4 fishing trips. Then you add religious services then you use what ever time you have to go fish and other hobbies. NExt thing you know the year is over!

Then you have make choices, 2 hr drive down for a chance at YT, or 6 ft surf at the bu to catch yellowtail.

choices choices.

Team: Disbanded
You only have one chance in this life...make the right decision(s) you don't regret it

Last edited by wiredantz; 02-09-2015 at 07:09 AM.
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