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Old 02-07-2015, 09:26 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 332
Shut the Front Door! LJ 2/7 Report!

Yup, I got one! Going by the BWE reports, I left the bait tank at home and was going to throw the iron, but was going to live bait if I encountered it. Every time I bring the bait tank, bait is hard to make, but without a bait tank, greenies, jump into your yak. Go figure!

I was going to Big Bay to fish today because the swell forecast was supposed to be 4-6. Studied it last night and this morning and it was pegged at 2ft. Time to fish LJ!

I met Chris and his buddy at the launch. I didn't get his buddy's name, but without a bait tank, I tossed an extra greenie his way because it would have died in my footwell. I still remember him saying, "That's good Karma!"

So fly-lined a greenie and followed the plastic brigade to the fishing grounds. You know, that spot where all the boats and kayaks are, straight out west from the launch. Everyone just sitting there. My greenie got taken by a seal and I never saw any marks on my sounder. Time to go!

With no more macs, I headed in by the kelp and saw some marks on the sounder and got hit by a 12" greenie. This thing was huge! Pinned it on and within 10 min, my rod tip is in the water. At first, I thought it was hung up on kelp, but not this time.

Pulled Mr YT up and the specs are: 23# and 42" from nose to tip.

Karma is King!
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