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Old 01-28-2015, 11:09 AM   #21
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 31
Originally Posted by The pelican View Post
The old "on your own vs. hire a guide" dabate. If you're referring clients for a day on the water kayak fishing, case closed. Hire a good guide - THEDARKHORSE.

For the rest of us it's a personal choice. I kayak fished for 4 years on my own and learned very little, very slowly without much of any help whatsoever (wasn't even aware of BWE and never talked to other kayak anglers because I launched and fished from birdrock area and didnt even know there was a launch in LJ.)

I lucked out a few times and admit it did feel much more rewarding when I would land the very occasional gamefsh on my own. You know what they say - even a broken clock is right twice a day. But I also made some mistakes (panicking when I caught my first BSB and not knowing how to get him quickly safely released, which was a close call but worked out)

Fellow BWE guys helped when I discovered LJ and hooked up but didn't come prepared with a gaff or game clip. The guys at El Pescador accepted a case of beer in exchange for yellowtail fillet help. All that was great and I'm glad it was part of my expirience.

Eventually I decided it's best to learn from the best. I paid to hire Josh and it was an unreal value for me, relative to the price he charges (time saved, number of fish caught, knowledge gained, money saved buying the right gear).

I'm convinced that it's more rewarding to struggle and then finally get what you're after in just about anything you do in life. If you're looking for a rewarding expirience, do it on your own for a while.

If you're looking to learn a ton of priceless fishing info, save time, save money, catch fish consistently, and shut up and follow instructions, Josh is the guy.
Thanks Pelican. And Amen to all that. Calillyak said pretty much the same thing and I agree with you guys. Here's my situation:
1. I do want to improve my own skills and am hoping to get out there with Darkhorse.
2. Long story short, I'm working with a tour operator software platform. Huge number of kayak fishing clients in the system and no guides to refer them to. I need a lot of guides. So if you know any or know guys who want to do some guiding, please let me know.

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