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Old 01-14-2015, 02:34 PM   #21
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Curious how you rigged it?
Dropper loop
3-way swivel
Im experimenting with these, but havent decided which i really like, although the 3-way swivel seems to always get twisted.
I was rigged up for YT and love the 3 way swivel over the dropper loop. I use Carolina rigs trolling for WSB and fishing for halibut in shallower water like under 30 feet. I was dropping mackerel to the bottom in 170 feet so I had a 12 oz torpedo, I had some 5 oz I should have switched out when I fished under 100 feet, but was lazy and it was my last drift, I figured rod in hand would work to just dip the tip and swing when I got bit. Fish was hooked decent in the bottom jaw and came up vertical. Then laying it out pedaling it was white side up, tricky getting it where I wanted it to gaff. As far as twisting when you can get away with it 50# mono is nice and stiff.
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