Thread: Fish Report?
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Old 02-29-2008, 11:51 AM   #28
C-level's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: on the water
Posts: 44
The evolution of kayak fisherman at La Jolla, a timeline-

The first years-
Look at me!! Look at me!! I caught a fish, it's so big...I'm so cool!!!

The helper-
Now that I know how to catch some fish, I'll do my best to help other catch some too...

The arguer (#1)-
Thanks for the out dated report, bites over… if you don’t post, then don’t read post… your all wrong…you’re a tool… you have no right to ____!!!

The population explosion-
Where did all these other fisherman come from, it used to be so quiet here? Why is it that when I post my fish there is so many people out?

The realization-
I miss the quietness that there used to be... it's much harder to catch those fish now? I work hard and put in countless hours to find this bite. Ouch…my foot hurts from where I shot it…

The competitor-
I better be careful with what I say or my competition is going to get the jump on me.

The arguer (#2)-
Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag… way to ruin the bite…you’re a tool... you have no right to ___... how dare you...... STFU!!!

The final straw-
WTF is all this politics and bickering on The Board, it's getting old... this is fishing! it's supposed to be fun... I’m done with this shit! I fish for me, my piece of mind and to have a good time with my friends. Who care what the general public thinks, I don't know them anyway... Hey buddy what's you phone # so we can share info with each other and not the rest of the world.

The outside viewer-
Nothing has changed, politics, BS and more and more new people on the timeline... it will never end. Will it?

It's fishing, have fun, quit bickering...

Just an opinion / observation from a nobody… bring on the arguers

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from a fisherman formly known as C-level

"Blessings upon all that hate contention, and love quietness, and virtue, and Angling." - Izaak Walton

Last edited by C-level; 02-29-2008 at 12:44 PM.
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