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Old 12-05-2014, 11:30 PM   #10
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Testing this thing on?

Originally Posted by Cbad Mike View Post
Once again Josh thanks for the great write up and pics.
I look forward to the read every week!

Alright, alright, maybe a weekly update was a bit ambitious.

Didn't really think about it while having a glass of wine that first night. Tossed some photos together with a short story here and there? No problem at first. Sounded simple enough. And in a perfect world I'm sure it would be. First possible concerns of not having enough weekly content, though. Quickly morphed into the inevitable: an endless revolving door of adventure after adventure. More photos than I knew what to do with. Quickly leaving me back-logged after I missed my first update. So many cool stories in fact that it was either not sleep, not surf or never swimming with the fish. And that's just not going to happen anytime soon.

Thus, Fish Porn Friday, being forced to take a hiatus. Seeing as time has become more abundant here lately. I might as well take this precious time to offload some inventory. Memory card full if you will. And lots of stories that are far from forgotten.

Certainly not all in one shot, though. Your eyes would bleed by the time you finished. Mine, too. And this thread was created to inspire people to go out and chase more fish -- not freak out from fear that there aren't any left! So, lets start with my last trip. The other day in fact. In the theme of keeping this a report.

It starts on a secret Island, of course. Located twenty-two miles Southwest of Point Loma. First stop North Island. A current rich location that's eaten more anchors than salt water. The bottom in a hundred feet is littered with them, mind you. At times this is a great place to fish. And always, always, always a scary ass place to dive!

So, of course, I brought along a couple friends. What's that saying: "you don't have to be fast; just faster than your buddy". Perfect.

Beyond the law of averages improving in the event of a, 20' Great White Shark, encounter. It's nice to have a buddy to fend off the Sea Lions.

Because the damn things are everywhere. And when I say, everywhere? I mean f'n everywhere!

Practically impossible to fish a live bait anywhere near this Island. And it's even worse when you actually hook a, Yellowtail.

Anyway, not a whole lot you can do about it. They take your fish from a sport boat? Who cares. If you don't dive, just try and imagine your thought process when they grab your prize -- and you're attached.

Your little baby (translation for expensive gun in this case) is attached, too. Throw that $1,000+ piece of wood into the abyss why don't 'ya!

No, my gun isn't sinking to the abyss there. We're just swimming together having a look around. On this day conditions were prime.

Actually more clear than these images let on. That black void after the rocks is, well, just that. Pretty much the edge of the Earth. So it's supposed to look like a black void of nothingness.

As you approach the ledge here you should get a better idea of the scene. Just know that it's a lot deeper than it looks.

Your first dive to the top of that rock truly tells the tale, though. It's another twenty or so feet to the base of that rock. And another twenty or so feet deeper with every ledge for scale. Throw in schools of fish that are swimming anywhere from 60'-120' down. And if you're a competitive type? Equals a recipe for disaster...

Long story short, it was like diving in an aquarium on this day. Only making closing the gap all the more challenging. Punching 60' drop after 60' drop to hover and wait is exhausting. The fish wouldn't even spook as you reached their depth. They'd just sink further and further into the abyss upon your approach. The Devil's apple just praying on the tempted. I chose to dive within my limits on this occasion, though. Timing on your drop was paramount; more so than I'd ever seen.

Hard work eventually paid off in the end. I didn't drown. And managed to sneak yet another fish through the Lion's den unscathed.

Well, looking at the clock it's nearly midnight. And seeing as it's a full moon? That means I have a client in six hours. For what's sure to be another incredible adventure if all goes according to plan.

We'll be fishing another secret spot (photo from my last trip) that you may recognize. Although it's not always THIS pretty.

And since, Yellowtail, aren't the only fish in the Sea. I'll end this reviving update with a photo of my Thanksgiving Turkey.

The fattest, ugliest, slime ridden mess of a bird that fed all who stopped on by. Way, way, way more fun wrestling your thrashing meal; than buying a big stinking block of ice.
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