Thread: Diving LJ
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Old 11-26-2014, 08:15 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dannowar View Post
What are you trying to shoot?
Exactly what I was thinking.....

OP, it depends on what your after. I am by no mean a LJ diving expert, but what fish you are after will change where and how you should launch. For reef fish, going out of childrens pool is good, but watch out for the sea lion loving nuts, and Childrens pool is closed 5 months out of the year to protect the POS sea lions.

For the bigger models (WSB, YT) unless you want to swim a good distance, your going to want to launch with the kayak to the outer edges of the kelp.

Check out spearboard, there are a lot of very experienced divers on there that dive LJ all the time. (or you could ask Dannowar) One word of advice for spearboard, do your RESEARCH, there are lots of posts to sort through, and a quick search of the forum could turn up the information your looking for. If you ask a question that is always asked and could be answer by a little research, they wont be as accepting or willing to help.
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