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Old 11-21-2014, 02:48 PM   #13
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The yft really hung out in the bight and bit tbis year. Those fish are usually all show and rarely go up inside Cat but this year they bit all over. So many wfo solo stops from oside to cat to the rigs off LongBeach. The wahoo was unprecedented. There was a week or so there where 1 or 2 hoo were getting weighed a day at oside and dana.

12/28/97 rossman and I were about 2 miles off Diablo Canyon watching 50# albacore cartwheel out of the water. I dont know what was going on at the local banks off oc that year I was living in SD but it was good S.

I expected a lot of schoolie rat yt along the kelp this summer but that never really happened. They stayed offshore. There was a good bite on bigger yt from LJ to Malibu this year and I picked up a couple new local PBs from surprising places. Nice big fish.

Now its just a fading memory w water at 66 and dropping.
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a fish a man and he'll eat for a week.
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