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Old 09-15-2014, 06:33 PM   #1
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Getting the Hang of things

Before my fish story begins I want to Thank TheDarkhorse. I learned a lot during my trip with him . took me a while but finally got the timing down Josh..

Ever have one of those days where every sign tells you not To fish? My friend was late last night to set out gear up, couldn't fall asleep untill 1am , felt like I was about to come down with a cold or flu, woke up really late, ended up in the middle of monday traffic, and lastly the road to the launch was closed!

Well Im glad I ignored everything and still went. I had to get creative with my launch but made it happen. Took us a bit to make bait but it wasn't long after that I started hooking fish. I think i'm getting this Cali fishing.... . Here are some of my catches today.

My next goal is catch a Halibut, a white sea bass, or a Ling cod.

Thanks for Reading
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