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Old 09-10-2014, 12:56 PM   #21
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Posts: 140
IMO, a few of the guys here have already nailed it on the head. Don't let them see the bend in your rod. I'm sure you have seen the dogs popping their heads up out of the water as far as they can (basically jump out of the water) to see what everyone is up to. I had a few YT stolen when I used to bring my rod tip from the water all the way up to gain the most line, but recently I have switch to keeping my rod tip within 2-3 ft of the water (or in it!) and haven't had major issues since. You don't gain line as fast, but seems to keep the lions at bay a bit better.

As for if the dog already has the fish in its mouth...... hope and pray it lets go just long enough to haul it to the yak. I was warned by an experience yak fisherman, and will pass it on. Be careful taking a fish from the dogs, they seem EXTREMELY possessive of the fish once they have it in their mouth, and I would not put it past them to jump on the yak to get it back. HAVE THAT GAFF READY!!!
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