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Old 09-10-2014, 09:16 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by kayakfisherman View Post

Man o Man, that was awesome. And I just love your video on all the
BWE players. Very creative!! I know you put in lots of hours making
these videos. Thanks.

What kind of software are you using???

Yes I put in a lot of hours not only editing and putting them together...I have to film everything while I'm fishing...! I remember there was a member on here not to long ago that just bought a gopro...used it for the first time and was amazed on how difficult it was to just operate 1 gopro and fish at the same time....I'm working with 3 + 1 camcorder...that's a lot to deal with. In the videos it seems easy enough but it's's a major PITA! I've lost many fish just fumbling around with the stupid cameras...and don't let me get started on camera malfunctions....

If somebody can learn from the videos or keep themselves entertained for awhile..In the end it is all worth it. The videos are just us out there having fun, and that's whats important, the fishing is just a bonus. Hopefully the memories will last forever on youtube.

The software I'm using is nothing fancy, it's Adobe Premiere Elements.
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