Thread: Advice?
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Old 09-01-2014, 10:30 AM   #39
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my trip is fast approaching!

Ok guys, time to get this thread started again. This is what I have been up to in planning for my trip:

I have got a pretty good handle on the RP knot for braid to fluoro/mono. I've used it, its easy to tie, and it works. This will be my go to knot for this application.

I have learned my go to knot for mono/fluoro to hook will be the improved clinch. I was taught this knot from the very beginning and it works for me. I have confidence in it and I can tie it quickly.

My thoughts on braid.... I think it is a necessary evil! I tried it and I don't like using braid straight to fluoro top shot. I don't like casting the braid, it's kind of touchy casting wise. So, I will use braid as backing, then mono to a 3-5' top shot of fluoro. Thoughts?

Rods... I think I have (and let me know if this is overkill) about ten rods/reels. Here is the line up: 1 light bass type outfit, 2 20-25# outfits, 3 30-40#, 1 surface iron, 1 40-50# with a two speed reel, and 2 50-60#.

As far as misc tackle, I will have extra mono and fluoro, weights from light rubber core and egg sinkers to varying sizes of torpedos. I will have light and heavy irons, a squid jig, varying sabikis and that's it I think.

So, am I on the right track here? I have gotten some good advice from you guys and I appreciate it.

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