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Old 08-26-2014, 10:25 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by wade View Post
Glad your OK Danno! Sounds like you got real lucky & more than 1 guy was lookin' out for ya..Now hurry up and get bendo on an East Cape Dodo..I'll be back down there in a month..
(Thats what we did while we were doing nothing wrong & the Cops decided that they should throw us Gringos in the Paddy-Piss-Wagon and take us to a desolate section of Mexico closely resembling Dresden Germany just after the war, under heavy machine guns of course, while politely asking for our pin cards & atm #'s with a beautiful AR pointed at you...
Mucho Gusto & Mucho Gracias!

We had a similar incident back in the late 80's. My wife (girlfriend at the time), my sister and her boyfriend (husband now) and I were partying in TJ. As We drove down Avenida Revolucion I suddenly get pulled over. Apparently, I failed to make a complete stop at the invisible stop sign. After a few minutes of the officer saying this and that he asked me to follow him to the station, by this time there was a second cop car so We tailed one while the other was behind us. They ended up driving us to some remote area, pulled me and my sisters boyfriend out of the car, slammed against the car took What money We had and bailed but not before they counted the money in front of us and started arguing about which of the four officers deserved a larger cut.

Fortunately, they left my wife and my sister alone but I'm sure things could have been much worse. Obviously, after driving around the slums of TJ trying to find our way back to a main highway we called it a night.
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