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Old 08-26-2014, 08:33 AM   #10
The pelican
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: La Jolla
Posts: 82
Major bummer! Sorry you had to go through that. It sounds like a total nightmare.

My girlfriend lives in TJ and I go down there a couple times each week for the past two years. Never had any problems with police or locals and I drive or walk around solo pretty often. Most people I have met in Baja are good folks just living their life.

I have heard stories about police but no run-ins so far. My gut tells me there are certain areas where cops and locals make a little extra $$$ extorting from us gringos and I'm just maybe not spending time in those areas. That's too bad for the people of Baja. Stories like this scare many Americans away from visiting and spending money down there.

Can't wait to see those pics!

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