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Old 08-26-2014, 06:16 AM   #62
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 3
From the OP... Please read that till the DFW showed up he thought he had his license.

They then ask for my fishing license and I look at my center storage and said "shit i must have left it in my car." I asked, can i go get since my car is near? They said nope, and bam my rod gets a bite and the DFG said to reel it in. What do you know a legal halibut. Since I don't have my license on me, they released my halibut, and handed me a ticket

Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
Boy, you got off easy. I would have assumed that after you went through all this you wouldn't even bother seeking an alternative to simply having your license on you. Is it really that hard? I forgot my license once, you want to know what I did? I stopped at the landing and bought a single day license.

Have you ever dealt with the public, I mean really dealt with them in a face to face type of way? Do you know why government workers have a big chip on their shoulder? Its because people don't follow rules that are as clear as day. Deal with someone face to face here and there that can't follow a rule and you'll play nice but deal with people that can't follow simple directions day after day after day and your attitude will change. What I'm trying to say is that the Warden is not going to sit around and wait for you while you to get your phone, find a website and log-in. Chances are that he'll probably be writing the ticket for not having your license while you're doing all that.


what are you going to do if your phone is dead or if you do not have a signal?
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