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Old 08-04-2014, 08:54 AM   #11
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 275
Went out at Leo on Saturday.
Put my new carrying straps I made for the kayak for good use and went down stairs fairly easy carrying the kayak over my shoulder. On the way up they worked good but it was great to have a surfer help me up the top half of the stairs.
launching and coming back was a breeze. Very low surf and you could fall asleep between the sets.
When I parked the car I meet two other kayakers and they said after looking at the county line surf they decided to go to Leo as well. Fishing was very very slow was hard to make bait and the only fish I got was short. Weather wise it was clouded with a stiff northerly breeze that started early morning.
Stayed around the kelp as I didn't feel going to county line cause on the way back it wont be fun to fight the wind. Which did calm down some after 1pm.
There must have been over 20 fishing kayaks on the water. As far as I know over all no one had any luck.
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