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Old 07-31-2014, 01:40 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
Very well done, Tanner!

I was wondering when you'd start showing the goods. You little secretive angler, you.
Nice ice-chest shot by the way. Seriously. Pretty easy to tell that fish is a beast! And good job putting your friend on his first ever 'slayer trip'. Probably adding another addict to the sport. The local tackle shops should be thanking you on that front. I'm sure he'll be stimulating the economy with a couple/few thousand dollars here soon as well. Only instead of hiding it from his wife. Like most men on this site. He'll be hiding it from his parents!
What, no selfie of you and that thirty-six pounder, though? How are you supposed to take the White Sea Bass and now, the Yellowtail, portion of WCW without that photo. As it stands, you'll have two beer mug trophies on your mantle. One from each fish's category. To go along with your hundred or so Tennis trophies. And still have to wait a few years before being allowed to legally drink.
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