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Old 07-29-2014, 04:58 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Nor Cal...30 min from Bodega/Tomales Bay, 1hr from Clear Lake, 2+ hr to Berryessa & the Delta
Posts: 729
I really admire you FOR dedicating time to post every week so that 'some' of us who have trouble getting out there to do what you're posting. Above all it's always a very good read.
Have you ever though about approaching a fishing periodical as a freelance writer, writing about the Kayak fishing? I understand it's gaining momentum as a main stream fishing activity (much like Fly fishing), and above all you do it so well. (Pics...Videos...narration!)
I'm right there with you Josh on the C & R! I remember many a trip where I'd stack my rod and help along the rail or "chum" if all the crew are busy. Or once I caught a few fish I'd hook a fish and hand it off to a kid or other passenger that hadn't caught something yet. That's how I kind of got my start building a rep on the boats (and why I get invited to come out to "boost the counts" when I was able and hopefully soon again).
Catch what you can use and release the rest, don't stock the freezer just yet! You have all summer gives you a VALID excuse to go fishing! "Hey honey we only have a quarter fillet of Yellowtail left I "HAVE" to go fishing to stock up. This gives you married guys out there gives you a "REASONABLE" excuse to get out!
I only bring home a limit of large macks or bonito for Cat food treats.
I guess Tuna would be one of the only exceptions to this rule. However I don't bring home anything under 20#, both Tuna & "Firecracker" !!!
Thanks again for taking the time and energy to post for the rest of us to enjoy!
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